Sargent's portrait of Virginie Gautreau was first exhibited in 1884 at the Salon, held at the Palais des Champs-Elysées in Paris.
The painting originally showed one of the jewelled straps of the sitter's dress slipping off her shoulder, as can be seen in the photograph nearby. Sargent insisted he painted Gautreau 'exactly as she was dressed', and Gautreau herself described the portrait as a masterpiece in a letter to a friend. Nonetheless, at the Salon the painting was ridiculed by both critics and the public, and many commentators denounced the 'indecency' of the dress as a bid for attention. Gautreau's own mother lamented the cost to her daughter's reputation. The strap was subsequently repainted and Sargent left Paris soon afterwards, his own reputation also somewhat damaged.
The portrait can also be seen as a daring intervention into the conventions of Parisian society by two ambitious figures of North American origin. Sargent kept the portrait until after Gautreau's death in 1915, when he sold it to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. In a letter to the institution's director, Sargent wrote I suppose it is the best thing I have done.
What to wear
What you wear for your session is a really important part of the overall look and feel of your professional portrait. I try to keep the focus on the subject - therefore, simple clothing choices are best for creating a timeless look. It's good to show your individual style and personality through the clothes you select, but remember clothing should compliment your look, not complicate it!
Group shots work best when families wear the same tone, not necessarily the same colour.
Clothes that are similar in style give a more coordinated look too. Consider dressing in white sparingly, because it often reflects light strongly and avoid busy patterns or logos/words that can be distracting. All of this said if you want to make a statement and the painting is as much about the clothing as it is your body then a full length white dress or bold patterns or logos might be right for you and I can have a lot of fun with that!
Please feel free to discuss something sentimental with me, whether it is clothing, Jewellery or and object or when looking at larger pieces, the setting can be in your own home or place you love. Families please do bring a favourite toy and I love it when we have a much loved teddy along with us - it all helps to tell your child's story.
In the Gallery there are some examples of different clothing looks that might be a starting point in considering what you might wear on the day. You might like to think a little out the box; for example maybe have your children painted in fancy dress to represent something they love doing at that particular time or capturing you working on your current project or sat in your happy place with your pet.
Feel free to contact me, I am always happy to advise and help you plan! You are welcome to send me a photo of your clothes laid out before the session if you'd like my opinion on works well together.